
Last Day!

David has run over 7,800km to reach the final day of his journey. Today he will complete his Run To Remember by running to mile 0 of the Trans Canada Highway in Victoria's Beacon Hill Park at 3:30pm. Join David for the last 2km starting at the corner of Government and Wharft at 3pm or meet him at mile 0 to celebrate the end of a 8.5 month adventure.


  1. Hello David, That was one incredible run!!! You are very determined man who won't back down from any challenge because that was a big challenge running across the country. I have been thinking about what you just accomplished (run across the country) I have always told myself that I am gonna finish or win any battle I take on (or is thrown at me like my brain injury)!! You have added a lot more strength in my "willpower" after seeing what you accomplished. I am gonna refer back to your story for the rest of my life when I am trying to help others who don't believe in themselves and when I need to remind myself that I can do it. Thank you very much David!! All the best to you! Sean "never gonna give up" Deleau

  2. Merry Christmas David. The snow is holding off here in Nova Scotia - in case you want to run back this way. haha
    (I'll bet your family and friends are glad to see you home.)
    Once again - thank you for doing this. Jane in NS
